Tuesday 10 January 2012

What's your #1 priority right now?

Its time to start dreaming again. Many of us stop dreaming when we get to school. However, deep down inside of us, we have suppressed dreams and intents that are still there to be played out.

But how can we get back to dreaming again and more importantly fulfiling those dreams?

Working with Mark and Sue can help you get closer to you dreams. You need 3 things.

1. Passion: a dream that needs to be fulfilled
2. People: a team that can help you find your way
3. Passage: a vehicle that can take you there

Click here to connect with the opportunity.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Saturday 8 May 2010

Will you be one of the 2 today?

Every week in London and every day online, 2 people help 2 people to start a business, generate a second income. This is not a job, but a volunteering community. The rewards come in the satisfaction of helping people and through comissions. Will you become one of the 2 today?